What We Do
We have developed an advanced technology for the pre-treatment of organic wastes for anaerobic digestion. Biowave™ uses microwaves to unlock the energy potential of difficult to treat wastes.
The rapid, thermal treatment improves hydrolysis and the break down of recalcitrant compounds such as long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Pre-treatment with Biowave™ improves the methane yield and hydraulic retention time in AD and turns a waste stream into a feedstock resource for renewable energy generation. Benefits are also seen in improved viscosity of the feedstock and solubilisation of solids.
We use our expertise in science and engineering to develop a flexible, energy-efficient, microwave solution for recalcitrant organic waste streams.

Our Solutions
Pre-treat organic waste for downstream processes
Get the most out of anaerobic digestion (AD)
Solubilise difficult-to-treat waste streams
Unlock untapped energy potential
Benefits of our Science

Improved hydrolysis
Biowave™ pre-treatment facilitates the hydrolysis of macromolecules – the rate limiting step in AD. Results are higher methane yields and shorter hydraulic retention times.

Biowave™ enables the generation of more renewable biomethane by unlocking the energy potential of organic waste streams.

Multiple feedstock potential
Biowave™ treats feedstocks from a broad range of sources, from municipal to industrial to food and beverage.

Recalcitrant compounds
Biowave™ tackles recalcitrant compounds which slow down biological processes in AD, for example long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS).

waste disposal costs
By converting a waste stream to a resource, you can eliminate associated disposal costs, CO2 emissions and potential carbon taxes.

Biowave™ is an energy-efficient thermal pre-treatment solution where microwaves are absorbed rapidly into the feedstock material.
How does it work?

Microwaves are applied to the feedstock and are absorbed by polar compounds

The polar compounds rotate or vibrate with the electric field and emit heat energy

The energy rapidly heats the feedstock uniformly from within

The rate of chemical reactions and breakdown of compounds are increased
Circular Economy
Biowave™ technology is the sustainable solution for converting waste streams to bioavailable resources.
We take difficult to treat organic wastes and convert them to a form that is ready for downstream biological processing.
Using Biowave™ technology, you can take part in the circular economy – eliminating waste disposal costs and generating new resources for renewable energy or bio-based materials production.

Common Questions

Biowave™ can treat any kind of organic waste stream from 1 to 25% total solids content. We work with energy-dense, but poorly degrading organic wastes from municipal wastewater treatment plants, dairy processors, industrial, and food and beverage processors. Talk to us about your needs here.
Biowave™ thermal treatment is more energy efficient than conventional thermal methods because it uses microwaves absorbed by polar compounds on a molecular level to heat the feedstock. The resulting vibration of polar compounds generates heat in situ and uniformly across the feedstock material. This leads to rapid heating and faster chemical reactions.
By contrast, conventional heating relies on conduction and convection from an external heat source throughout the material and results in uneven heating and the formation of hotspots and cold spots. Microwave heating incurs lower energy losses than conventional heating and saves time and energy.
Biowave™ pre-treatment improves the hydrolysis of macromolecules like proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and polymeric substances, and reduces the particle size of solids. These effects make the feedstock more bioavailable to the microorganisms in AD. Results are accelerated gas production and higher methane gas yields. By facilitating the hydrolysis of the feedstock, shorter hydraulic retention times or higher organic loading rates are more accessible.
Biowave™ reduces the concentration of recalcitrant compounds, such as LCFAs and EPS. For example, we have demonstrated up to 66% reduction of LCFA in dairy fat waste. These compounds are inhibitory to AD. Breaking these compounds down using Biowave™ makes the energy-dense feedstock accessible to AD microbes with no inhibitive effects.