Five events were held between the 22nd and the 30th of november, under the title ‘Road to 2030: Future circular water-cycle perspectives’. During the events, the companies pitched their solutions to tackle challenges such as access to alternative water sources or optimization of water management, and to opt for several prizes: 1st prize of 12,000 euros and a 2nd prize of 10,000 euros to scale up their business, selected by an external jury.
Cadagua, Spanish company of the Ferrovial group leader in water treatment plats, presented the challenges they face to manage small plants located in remote areas. During the InnoWise Scale competition they were looking for solutions that could allow them to manage several plants remotely by the same manager without the need to travel to each plant daily by means of digital tools. In this last competition, the jury selected Biowave Technologies, thanks to their innovative pre-treatment solution to increase the yield of biogas production from wastewater, for the second prize.