
Innovation Partnership with GRDF announced

We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in winning funding from GRDF in their call for proposals under the theme “Optimising the Anaerobic Digestion Process”. GRDF distributes natural gas to more than 11 million customers every day and they were looking for innovative technologies to help them increase delivery of renewable gas from anaerobic digestion to the national grid.

Ashleigh Environmental’s proposal is to apply Biowave™ technology to the pre-treatment of waste activated sludge (WAS) to AD. Untreated WAS is a poor substrate for AD with very low gas yields and is often disposed of rather than utilized for renewable gas generation. With Biowave™ treatment, the energy potential of this organic-rich material can be unlocked and WAS can be turned from a waste into a renewable gas generating resource, boosting GRDF’s low carbon input into the grid. Biowave™ is a flexible, modular solution and can be employed from small to large scale wastewater treatment plants, enabling more rural plants which may not have access to large scale facilities to exploit this resource.

Ashleigh Environmental were one of three successful finalists in the funding call. GRDF said that “the high quality of all the applications and the diversity of the projects were recognized by the jury, which finally agreed on 3 particularly promising technologies.” The project will kick off in the next month and we are looking forward to working with GRDF on the implementation of an ever greener gas mix and achieving their goal of 10{92df6d80683b6e3d0cf271bd95f94634aae9c729a7d3025e179e1d637ce3b817} renewable gas by 2030.

Read more about the funding call here: https://innovation.grdf.fr/laureats-de-lappel-a-projets-optimiser-le-procede-de-methanisation/